Adult Ministry
Tabor Women
Mount Tabor Circles, a ministry of Tabor Women, offers any woman looking for a small group to fellowship and serve with a diverse offering of groups from which to choose. If you would like to visit one, simply call the contact person listed for details. All are welcoming and ready to accept new members!
Mount Tabor Circles support a number of women's and children's missions including Andy Burton Memorial Golf Tournament, Bethesda Center for the Homeless, North Hills Academy, Greater Triad Diaper Bank, Food for Thought Pantry for local schools, Winston Salem Street School, and the annual Angel Tree.
Circle 2
Meeting: third Thursday of every month at 6:00 PM at a member’s home or a local restaurant
Contact: Stephanie Griffith
women in our 30s and 40s
focus on fellowship and serving others
our service projects benefit mothers and children in our community
Circle 7
Meeting: fourth Monday of the month in the fellowship hall at the church with lunch provided, 11:00 AM for social time and 11:15 AM for programming
Contact: Sandy Callison at silerelias@gmail.com, Sadie Daniels at smrice@bellsouth.net or Matilda Phillips at mdewp12@gmail.com
fun loving women of 60+ years with grown children and grandchildren
speaker each month and summer social
Circle 4
Meeting: third or fourth Tuesday / Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM in a member’s home, the church, or a local restaurant
Contact: Cheryl Bullard at cgbullard@gmail.com
late 30s through early 50s
camaraderie of like-minded, Christ-centered women
fun, fellowship, and faith
Circle 8
Meeting: second Tuesday of each month, dinner at 6:30 PM and then meet at a member’s home
Contact: Judy Miller at cnjinwsnc@gmail.com
warm, friendly group of multi-aged women
Circle 5
Meeting: third Tuesday of each month at 7:15 PM in members’ homes
Contact: Ellen Pfaff at Ellentpfaff@yahoo.com
or Taryn Butler at tledgb@gmail.com
minister to women and children through a variety of local and national missions
Circle 9
Meeting: second Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM in a member’s home
Contact: Cherie Ratcliffe at crat521@aol.com
50s with children ranging from high school to college, and beyond
fun group of women who enjoy fellowship
actively involved in church activities and community outreach
Growth Groups
Women's Bible Study
Women of all ages and stages. Join for 4-8 week book and Bible studies with a video and discussion time. Meets weekly during the school year and monthly during the summer.
Wednesdays, 9:30am
Fellowship Hall
Moms Fellowship Group
Mothers of pre-school aged children
1st Thursday of each month, 9:15 am
Clubhouse in the Children’s Building

Wednesday Women's Bible Study
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
9:30 AM
Fellowship Hall and via Zoom.
All women are invited to attend a bible study of the Gospel of Luke. There is nothing to purchase to participate, just bring a Bible and feel free to invite a friend. For questions or the zoom link, please contact Kim.Harvey@MtTaborUMC.org

Wednesday Women's Bible Study
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
9:30 AM
Fellowship Hall and via Zoom.
All women are invited to attend a bible study of the Gospel of Luke. There is nothing to purchase to participate, just bring a Bible and feel free to invite a friend. For questions or the zoom link, please contact Kim.Harvey@MtTaborUMC.org

Wednesday Women's Bible Study
Wednesday, April 2, 2025
9:30 AM
Fellowship Hall and via Zoom.
All women are invited to attend a bible study of the Gospel of Luke. There is nothing to purchase to participate, just bring a Bible and feel free to invite a friend. For questions or the zoom link, please contact Kim.Harvey@MtTaborUMC.org

Mom's Fellowship
Thursday, April 3, 2025
9:15 – 10:45 AM
Clubhouse in the Children’s Building
A ministry for mothers of young children. Come join us for coffee, prayer, a short devotion, and fellowship. We look forward to meeting you! Childcare provided for $5. Please pre-register your child at bit.ly/mtmomfellowship. Questions? Contact Sandy Hauser at SandyLHauser@gmail.com

Wednesday Women's Bible Study
Wednesday, April 9, 2025
9:30 AM
Fellowship Hall and via Zoom.
All women are invited to attend a bible study of the Gospel of Luke. There is nothing to purchase to participate, just bring a Bible and feel free to invite a friend. For questions or the zoom link, please contact Kim.Harvey@MtTaborUMC.org

Women's Day Away
Saturday, April 12, 2025
9:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Starrette Farm
Women's Day Away will feature the theme "Finding and Practicing Peace Along the Path" with speaker Ann Starrette. The cost to attend the Women's Day Away is $25 to cover the cost of lunch and materials. Register online at https://forms.gle/2MZvBxFj5KJvmRfM9 or using a printed forms available in the Welcome Center, Sanctuary Narthex or Church Office.

Wednesday Women's Bible Study
Wednesday, April 16, 2025
9:30 AM
Fellowship Hall and via Zoom.
All women are invited to attend a bible study of the Gospel of Luke. There is nothing to purchase to participate, just bring a Bible and feel free to invite a friend. For questions or the zoom link, please contact Kim.Harvey@MtTaborUMC.org

Wednesday Women's Bible Study
Wednesday, April 23, 2025
9:30 AM
Fellowship Hall and via Zoom.
All women are invited to attend a bible study of the Gospel of Luke. There is nothing to purchase to participate, just bring a Bible and feel free to invite a friend. For questions or the zoom link, please contact Kim.Harvey@MtTaborUMC.org

Wednesday Women's Bible Study
Wednesday, April 30, 2025
9:30 AM
Fellowship Hall and via Zoom.
All women are invited to attend a bible study of the Gospel of Luke. There is nothing to purchase to participate, just bring a Bible and feel free to invite a friend. For questions or the zoom link, please contact Kim.Harvey@MtTaborUMC.org

Mom's Fellowship
Thursday, May 1, 2025
9:15 – 10:45 AM
Clubhouse in the Children’s Building
A ministry for mothers of young children. Come join us for coffee, prayer, a short devotion, and fellowship. We look forward to meeting you! Childcare provided for $5. Please pre-register your child at bit.ly/mtmomfellowship. Questions? Contact Sandy Hauser at SandyLHauser@gmail.com

Wednesday Women's Bible Study
Wednesday, May 7, 2025
9:30 AM
Fellowship Hall and via Zoom.
All women are invited to attend a bible study of the Gospel of Luke. There is nothing to purchase to participate, just bring a Bible and feel free to invite a friend. For questions or the zoom link, please contact Kim.Harvey@MtTaborUMC.org

Wednesday Women's Bible Study
Wednesday, May 14, 2025
9:30 AM
Fellowship Hall and via Zoom.
All women are invited to attend a bible study of the Gospel of Luke. There is nothing to purchase to participate, just bring a Bible and feel free to invite a friend. For questions or the zoom link, please contact Kim.Harvey@MtTaborUMC.org