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Image by Hannah Busing

Outreach Opportunities

Go Faithfully in love and action

At Mount Tabor, we believe strongly that truly being the body of Christ means being the hands of Christ in the world. Our mission statement says in part, “to go faithfully into the world to share God’s love.” Our goal is for everyone to hear and discover God’s call and to obey it, and that everyone would discover the joy of serving. The Outreach Committee and the staff encourage each member of MTUMC to prayerfully seek a place to serve, because, as United Methodists, service is an integral part of our faith. It is part of living out our faith: putting what we believe into action, making a difference in the world, and being the church beyond the walls of the church. We wholeheartedly agree with the injunction of John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, who boldly proclaimed, “The world is our parish!”​


In addition to providing financial support for many local and global ministries, MTUMC members volunteer in a great variety of activities and at many different agencies. Some of those service opportunities are described on the pages linked below, and we are always interested in learning about new opportunities for service. Our prayer is that you would seek the place God is calling you to serve and perhaps has gifted you or given you a passion or interest in serving. ​

To learn more about specific outreach opportunities visit the serve at Mount Taborserve in our community and serve around the world pages

Upcoming Outreach Opportunities

Nursery Volunteers Needed

We have babies who need holding! To Sign Up, Contact Marcey Davis, Director of Children & Family Ministries, at

Help Clean the Children's Building and Playground
Help Clean the Children's Building and Playground

Saturday, August 3, 2024

9:30 – 11:30 AM

Children's Building and Playground

Help get the Children's Building and the playground ready for the new achool year by assissting with a deep cleaning. Questions? Contact Marcey Davis at

Stuff the Bus
Stuff the Bus

Sunday, August 4, 2024

8:30 AM - 12:15 PM

Church Wide

Collecting school supplies for North Hills Elementary School and non-perishable food for Food for Thought. Items due Sunday, August 4 from 8:30 AM - 12:15 PM.

Supply Needs:

  • Tissue, Wipes, Sanitizer,Gallon and Sandwich sized zip lock bags, Post it Notes, Dry erase markers and erasers, Regular markers, Colored pencils, Masking tape, Pocket folders with and without prongs, Composition notebooks, 3x5 index cards (no larger)

  • Boys Clothing: Khaki Pants and shorts sizes 5-16, White shirts sizes 10 and up, Smaller belts

  • Girls Clothing: Pants and shorts sizes 6 and 7, White shirts sizes 10 and up

Help Needed at North Hills Elementary School (NHES)

The WSFCS school year is rapidly coming to an end, meaning that several end-of-year activities will soon occur, with which our teachers need help. Please consider helping out with one or more of the following.

EOG Testing: From May 28th to May 31st , EOG testing will take place. During this time, volunteers for both proctors and hall monitors are needed. Please note that training is required for EOG testing volunteers. Training will be offered at the following times: May 15th at 3:30 PM and May 21st at 10 AM and 4 PM.

Book Fair: On June 4th , a book fair will be held in the Media Center. Set-up for the book fair will occur on June 3rd . Volunteers are needed for both days.


Field Days: Field days will be held on June 5th (upper grades) and 6th (lower grades). Volunteers are needed on both days to assist with game set-up (and resetting) and to assist the Physical Education teachers. Note: some water games are included; you could get wet!

Volunteer orientation and supervision will be provided by NHES staff, and the hours are flexible. If you have any questions, please contact Craig Miller ( or Roslyn Payne ( The Go Team asks that you prayerfully consider helping out our teachers in these ways. Thank you.

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