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Adult Ministry

It’s our mission at Mount Tabor UMC to Grow Spiritually, and we believe each of us is called to be actively growing our faith. We believe education, formation, and transformation happens over a lifetime, and is built through a personal relationship with Christ and through participation in the body of Christ. 

We participate in Growing Spiritually in communities called Growth Groups, which can be in the form of Sunday School classes, Small Groups, and Support Groups. Our Committee on Spiritual Growth also offers opportunities throughout the year for individuals and groups to grow through seasonal studies, church-wide studies, and spiritual practices and disciplines. 

We pray that our Spiritual Growth efforts are engaging, equipping and empowering each member of our community to experience spiritual formation and transformation by deepening relationships with Jesus Christ.

Learn more about opportunities for spiritual growth by exploring the tabs above and the information below.

Growth Groups

Band of Brothers

Mens fellowship, book and Bible studies with a life application and prayer focus.

Thursdays, 12:00pm

Thursdays, 7:00am

Moms Fellowship Group

Mothers of pre-school aged children

Women's Bible Study

Women of all ages and stages

Join for 4-8 week book and Bible studies with a video and discussion time. Meets weekly during the school year and monthly during the summer.

Friday Evening Study Group

Men and women of all ages and stages

  • Fridays, 7:00pm during Church Wide Studies 

  • Meets on Zoom

  • Contact Christy Buchanan —

Tuesday Night Small Group

Men and women of all ages and stages

  • 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month

  • Home of Debbie & Kurt Bohlmann

  • Contact Debbie Bohlmann

Upcoming Events

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